Either this or pay for expensive datamosh plugins to even more expensive video editing tools. I've tried my best to look for a similar issue, but even then I wasn't able to find a solution, perhaps because I don't really know the legal name of this "datamoshing" effect. Datamosh is the coolest video effect but it's currently a pain in the ass to achieve: you have to use software from 20 years ago, use the command line, and struggle with the complex technicalities of video codecs. I have researched the ways of getting rid of this issue by reducing the caching to 0ms, changing up the codecs, etc, but nothing has proved successful yet. Hidden inside the exhibit, a bar dubbed Datamosh. I am able to obtain the video stream just fine, however, there is a "datamoshing" effect to the stream, which I don't really like, and would like to get rid of, since I will be using this video stream for object recognition. Datamosh Louiie Victa Omega Mart, the art installation disguised as a grocery store at Area15, has so much more to it than meets the eye. Next, I opened a terminal window in Jetson and launched the following GStreamer pipeline to receive the stream: gst-launch-1.0 udpsrc port=1234 ! queue max-size-buffers=0 ! decodebin ! videoconvert ! autovideosink

I have connected these devices to the same network and started a Stream from the laptop using VLC Media Player. Malfunctioning green screens and pixelated digital mash-ups bleed into each other in a parody of the music video trope and specifically of the trend of. So, I have a setup of a laptop running Windows and a Jetson Xavier NX, and I'm trying to stream the webcam from the laptop to Jetson.